Legacy Fund

Legacy Fund

In Memory of Mike McQuaid

Mike McQuaid Legacy Fund

Mike McQuaid always believed that “homelessness is a solvable problem.” Beginning with his days serving meals at the Andre House 35 years ago to the formation of the Human Services Campus (HSC) in 2005 that grew out of his vision for a single location offering a range of holistic, wrap-around services to end homelessness, Mike McQuaid’s impact has not diminished. Nor has the legacy he left behind after succumbing to COVID-19 last summer.

Mike McQuaid | Human Services Campus
Mike McQuaid

3-year, $25 Million Goal

To ensure that Mike’s vision is sustained and fully realized, the Human Services Campus has launched the Mike McQuaid Legacy Fund, a three-year initiative with a goal of $25 million. Funds will be used to address the issue of homelessness through a combination of new tactics including, but not limited to:

  • Street Outreach
  • Client Services Improvements
  • Expansion of Client Services and Solutions, Regionally
  • Capital Projects

The planned capital projects include the renovation of the building that was the former Men’s Overflow Shelter, which closed several years ago.

Molly and Mike McQuaid
Molly and Mike McQuaid

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of Mike

“And, I know I’m not the only one whose life he not only touched but changed for the better. His passion, leadership, commitment and unparalleled drive to end homelessness continue to guide all of us who work everyday to bring his vision to reality.”

Amy Schwabenlender
HSC Executive Director

Seeking Pledges

The initiative is nearing the halfway point in fund-raising pledges and actual donations with commitments that include a Garcia Family Foundation $10 million pledge to be paid $1 million a year for 10 years.

Mike’s Vision

“Mike’s vision for moving forward was broad-based. From adding much-needed shelter beds to street outreach targeting the hardest to serve and a regional expansion of holistic, collaborative services, that vision is the foundation for projected outcomes of this initiative.”

Steve Davis
HSC Development Director

Mike and Michelle with a Client at Elaine
Mike with a Client and Michelle from Elaine

Expected Outcomes

By 2023

No one sleeping on the street outside the Human Services Campus and beautification of the campus neighborhood.

By 2024

Renovate & expand existing campus structures to serve more clients, more efficiently. Three renovated buildings can expand services and add multi-purpose rooms for trainings, collaborative, and meetings.

By 2030

Reduce the average stay on the campus by 50%; reduce recidivism to homelessness by 30%; increase the number of individuals housed annually from 2,500 to more than 3,000 through collective partner programs; and provide resources for more services in west and east valley communities.

Learn More about Making a Pledge Today

Interested donors are invited to learn more about the initiative, and can make one-time gifts or multi-year pledges by contacting:

Steve Davis
HSC Development Director

Mike, Amy, and Steve
Mike with Amy Schwabenlender and Steve Davis

Your Support Saves Lives.