PHOENIX, Ariz. (June 18, 2019): BHHS Legacy Foundation, an Arizona
charitable organization whose philanthropic mission is to enhance the quality of life and
health of those it serves, has awarded the Human Services Campus (HSC), a $75,000
grant to support a navigation program that connects homeless individuals with services
leading to permanent housing.
HSC, a 501c3 nonprofit agency, owns and operates a 13-acre campus at 12th
Avenue and Madison that is home to 20 nonprofit organizations providing services and
resources to people experiencing homelessness.
“Thanks to this generous financial support from BHHS Legacy Foundation, our
HSC Navigators will be able to engage with and help more individuals experiencing
homelessness to successfully transition into permanent housing,” said HSC Executive
Director Amy Schwabenlender. “Navigation addresses the fundamental needs of
individuals experiencing homelessness for food, clothing, safety, housing and health.
The ultimate outcome is safe, stable, affordable housing which leads to improved health,
lower health-care costs and improved quality of life.”
Between 800 and 1,000 individuals experiencing homelessness visit the Human
Services Campus each day. Approximately 30 percent of HSC clients are women and
one-third are over 50 years old. In 2018, 6,434 unduplicated individuals sought services
at HSC.
“Each individual has a unique set of circumstances, and most, if not all, are
addressed with the help of our Navigation team,” Schwabenlender said. “We are very
grateful to BHHS Legacy Foundation for supporting our efforts to address the challenge
of homelessness.”
According to the 2019 Maricopa Regional Continuum of Care Annual Point-inTime Count, 6,614 people experienced homelessness on a single night. Nearly 1,000
were identified as chronically homeless.
For more information, visit www.keystochangeaz.org.
About BHHS Legacy Foundation: BHHS Legacy Foundation is an Arizona nonprofit dedicated
to improving community health and access to healthcare for Arizona children, families and
seniors. Since its inception in 2001, the Foundation has invested more than $75 million into the
communities it serves through grants to nonprofit organizations, programs and projects that
support its mission and vision. For information, visit www.bhhslegacy.org.
ABOUT THE HUMAN SERVICES CAMPUS: Founded in 2005, the Human Services Campus is
a collaborative force of partner organizations united on one campus to end homelessness.
Located just west of downtown Phoenix, 20 independent agencies on the Campus see nearly
1,000 individuals every day, offering a holistic range of client services including: reunification
with family and friends; mental, physical and dental health; shelter; employment; meals; legal
services and housing. Having all of these resources in one location with intra-agency
communications makes it more feasible to provide a customized engagement for each client to
help end their homelessness. For more information, visit www.keystochangeaz.org.
• Amy Schwabenlender, Executive Director, 602-281-8628, amys@keystochangeaz.org