
Jose is a 79 year-old Puerto Rican native who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. His sister became his caregiver but when she passed away in 2006 he did not have anyone to care for him. After living on the streets of Puerto Rico, he travelled to New York in search for his younger brother. There he stayed in various shelters but they were unable to locate his family. He was homeless in New York for 5 years before he arrived in Phoenix in 2013. He does not recall how or why he came to Phoenix. He just remembers that he came on a bus. When he arrived at the Human Services Campus, he did not have any documentation and could not remember his birthday nor his social security number. After many months of collaboration with campus partners and outside agencies, we were able to prove his identity. Jose now receives Social Security and has health insurance. Most importantly, he is now off the streets. He is living in an assisted living facility that specializes in memory care. He is happy to have a home and says that we are his family.

Monique was experiencing homelessness and came to the Human Services Campus seeking assistance. HSC Staff in the Brian Garcia Welcome Center conducted an assessment with Monique to determine her specific barriers to getting back into housing. Working collaboratively, Homeless ID Project, Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) and HSC Navigators helped remove these barriers, and Monique is now happy in her apartment!

Don, After completing his military service, Don experienced related health issues that ultimately led to his homelessness. Don tried living at a local shelter to get back on his feet, but discovered it wasn’t the right fit for him. Once Don arrived at the Campus and engaged with our staff at the Brian Garcia Welcome Center, he co-authored a strategy to utilize multiple Campus partners to end his homelessness: a bed at the CASS shelter, meals at St. Vincent de Paul and Andre House, behavioral health services at CBI and Navigation for referral to housing. Don worked with HSC Staff to leverage the appropriate onsite Campus resources to remove his barriers to obtain housing. He then received a housing voucher for his new home.
Congratulations Don!
Congratulations Don!

Corey was homeless for many years and remained an active volunteer for the different agencies on campus throughout all that time. Corey had also mentored many of the youth on campus to stay out of trouble and keep their heads up during their difficult time. Although Corey had a difficult time getting himself out of homelessness, he knew a lot about the different services and would often advise other clients where to go to get the help they needed. Corey was able to get housed by being connected to the Peer Team, a support group of individuals who formerly experienced homelessness. He was able to maintain his appointments with his clinic and received a housing voucher. Corey now enjoys being able to have a place of his own and the ability to relax while watching TV.

Patricia Melanson or better known on Campus as Big Momma was a long time client of the HSC. She spent her days looking after her Street kids and volunteering for St. Vincent De Paul. She often was known to voice out the concerns of the clients. She was housed through a collaboration of the Peer support team and Empact. She now spends her days hanging out with her friends in her apartment and waiting to bring her dog home.